Knowledge, Information & Data Management
At X4 our Knowledge, Information and Data Management practise focuses on meeting the information and knowledge management needs of your organisation so that it can directly support the business.
X4's Knowledge Practice:
The typical ways in which we help our clients include:
Identifying current and desired practices to ensure the full value of your data and information assets.
Developing Knowledge, Information and Management Strategic Plans that align with your business needs.
Delivering solutions to ensure high risk, high value information continues to be available. This includes Digitisation Frameworks and Toolkits, Retention and Disposal Schedules and Digital Continuity Plans.
Providing advice and management of data management and recordkeeping projects. This includes developing business cases, detailed project planning and delivery, developing metadata schema and taxonomies and expert advice on migration, timely disposal and measuring benefits.
We focus on ensuring that there are strong governance and processes in place to manage knowledge, information and data. This, in turn, supports the business and directly benefits all stakeholders.

Some of the ways in which we help our clients are:
Knowledge Management and Information Management Maturity Assessments - We utilise a proven, custom developed tool kit to assist an organisation in assessing the maturity level of their knowledge and information management environment. This provides a clear view of what has been achieved to date and what needs to be done to improve information management and ensure knowledge management practices are in place.
Identifying and Managing Information Assets – we have a number of methodologies for identifying the information assets held by organisation and details on how these assets are managed. These include:
Information Stocktakes
Information Audits
Business Process Mapping
Information Maturity Assessments.
Assistance with Public Records Act Audits
Designing and Implementing Information Management Systems – we work with agencies to develop the most efficient information systems so that there is a full return on investment in tools or projects. Examples include:
Business Classification Structures
Metadata Schemas
Retention and Disposal Schedules
Public Records Act Expertise - we are experts in the Public Records Act and can advise agencies on compliance requirements.
Developing Policies and Processes – information policies and processes need to take into account the rapid changes in technology applications and use. We work with organisations to develop information and knowledge management policies and processes in areas such as:
Social Media
Cloud Computing
Developing Strategic Plans and Roadmaps – we have extensive experience in developing Knowledge Management and Information Management Strategic Plans that support the business and align with other strategic plans such as ISSPs. We also develop strategic plans for specific information management activities for example:
Digitisation Frameworks
Digitisation Toolkits
Digital Continuity Plans
Data Migration Plans
Legacy Record Plans
Disaster Recovery Plans